Tribute to my MD

I found out last night that my beloved Mini Disc player no longer works. It tries, it really tries, but it can't manage to read anything. I guess I have neglected it over the past few years. I went down the mp3-cd player route instead of upgrading it to net-MD, using it only for occasional listens. I think I made the right decision but sometimes you just want to record audio digitally in real time.
I have a collection of mini discs that will perhaps never be heard again. All that time spent manually tapping in song titles and track marks is now spent forever. I guess I could buy a cheap player second hand but maybe it's time to let it go. I have some audio and VHS cassette tapes I have no player for.
So good bye my mini friend, you were a companion on many a driving session.
The tragic side of the Digital Age. I know your pain. Don't let it ruin Christmas for you!
Anonymous, at 8:45 pm
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