i am huge in japan

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Package woes

So I've seen mention on the SUSE website and various news articles around the Internets that there is definitely something seriously broken with the 10.1 package management. YaST and Zen-Updater don't get along it seems. I'm glad it's not just me, but I am appalled that it shipped with such a horrific bug not resolved. Looking at the comments of the bugreport it looks like someone declared it fixed when it actually wasn't. That might explain it. A fix for this issue should be out in a few days or a week or something. Just how people will be able to update to get the fix is another issue ;)

Been battling access to FTP repositories and I now finally have the new amaroK installed. I couldn't even install it via an rpm because of the above bug.

Took a peek at KDE under 10.1 yesterday, very briefly. Enough to see that it had a nice package manager program but otherwise looked rather KDEish. Since there was no easy XGL option I fled back to GNOME.

In other woe news, my G4 iPod has decided it doesn't feel like charging at the moment.


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