new adventures in buntu
Getting bored with my current single panel Gnome lay out at work, I designed a lower left corner double panel set up. One vertical with the apps, launchers and system tray and one short horizontal with the menu and clock. At first it was a bit weird but I'm getting used to it. I also ousted the OS X theme and replaced it with a slick grey ensemble.
But the true action has been taking place on the Powerbook. Kubuntu was too slow really so I gave Xfce a try. It loaded a plain desktop but no panels and no configuration dialogs would open. So I dumped it. For a lark I installed JWM, but that was a similar story. Fast though.
Accepting I may have to give up QT for GTK again, I attempted a Xubuntu-desktop install. It went kind of ok but the laptop was clearly getting confused. I had a Kubuntu boot splash and would get dumped to the console instead of GDM or KDM loading. A Startx would kick in Xubuntu but I still couldn't do that much. With all the instability I decided to try to start again with a fresh install of Ubuntu. But the live cd was doing the same crap about not having network - so bizarre.
In the end I set a download of the alternate (text install) iso of Xubuntu. After work I installed it flawlessly and I'm posting from it now. I've done my usual clean up activities and it's definitely a faster experience. Memory usage is also significantly lower. Gaim and Opera + a few tabs open and I am using 110 ot 256 MB, I used to only have a few MB free!
(also it boots about 20 seconds faster!)
Lighter GTK window manager plus more RAM = P-P-P-Powerbook!
But the true action has been taking place on the Powerbook. Kubuntu was too slow really so I gave Xfce a try. It loaded a plain desktop but no panels and no configuration dialogs would open. So I dumped it. For a lark I installed JWM, but that was a similar story. Fast though.
Accepting I may have to give up QT for GTK again, I attempted a Xubuntu-desktop install. It went kind of ok but the laptop was clearly getting confused. I had a Kubuntu boot splash and would get dumped to the console instead of GDM or KDM loading. A Startx would kick in Xubuntu but I still couldn't do that much. With all the instability I decided to try to start again with a fresh install of Ubuntu. But the live cd was doing the same crap about not having network - so bizarre.
In the end I set a download of the alternate (text install) iso of Xubuntu. After work I installed it flawlessly and I'm posting from it now. I've done my usual clean up activities and it's definitely a faster experience. Memory usage is also significantly lower. Gaim and Opera + a few tabs open and I am using 110 ot 256 MB, I used to only have a few MB free!
(also it boots about 20 seconds faster!)
Lighter GTK window manager plus more RAM = P-P-P-Powerbook!
XFCE is great. That is, if OS X isn't an option. That sounds weird, knowing you're writing from a Powerbook.. I used it with Gentoo and never had issues with it. Ubuntu at work uses Gnome. Good old Hoary. Hedgehogs simply kick Drake arse. Post a screenshot of your fancy panel layout.
Anonymous, at 5:46 pm
FFS MAN! You're blogging about how you ARRANGED YOUR WORK DESKTOP. Its getting a little bit weird. You feel Has the world become such a crucible of despair that you are forced to turn towards something else to hide from the flawed and depressing world? (ok, so it has...but your GNOME LAYOUT!?!?!!111)
Anonymous, at 9:19 pm
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